The most important regulation is that the UAV Operator must have a Visual Line of Sight of the UAV at all times.
Other regulations included, a maximum flight height of 400ft (120m) for UAV’s weighing 750g and over, a maximum distance of 150ft from People and Property, a maximum distance of 500ft (150m) from crowds and built up areas and don’t overfly.
Airfields, Aircraft and Airports are restricted areas. UAVs weighing less than 750g will have a maximum flight height of 100ft (30m). Please refer to TTCAA Trinidad website for a list of restricted Airspace in Trinidad and Tobago.
When it comes to drones/UAVs, there is no ‘across the Caribbean’ standard; in a growing number of islands it is starting to become an issue. If you are buying a drone, it is best to be aware first of your local country’s regulations before even purchasing a drone.
- UAVs may not be flown more than 120 meters (400 feet) above the ground, except drones weighing less than 750 grams (1.6 pounds). For drones weighing less than 750 grams (1.6 pounds), they may not be flown more than 30 meters (100 feet) above the ground.
- UAV pilots must maintain a direct visual line of sight with their drone while flying.
Here’s a useful chart for those wondering what type/model of UAV drone to buy this year. Download Chart.